
The Wrong Side of Heaven Tour 2013

The Wrong Side of Heaven Flyer

Five Finger Death Punch… what can I say that you SHOULD know about in terms of the general success this band continues to receive. Amidst hard work and the tenacity to put shows of such high caliber, they continue yet again. Coming off Mayhem Festival 2013 which they Main Staged with the likes of Rob Zombie, Amon Amarth and Mastodon, F.F.D.P returns to New York City after a 2 year absence in the island to a SOLD OUT show at Manhattan’s Best Buy Theater. They did NOT come alone, as fellow Eleven Seven Music roster mates “Escape The Fate” ventured off into the tour with Rise Records own “Miss May I” and Warner Music Group’s “Gemini Syndrome” The line at Best Buy Theater was welcomed by F.F.D.P guitarists Zoltan Bathory and Jason Hook. Jason shook hands of fans waiting on line and took photos with fans before the festivities.

The show began at 7:30pm sharp to Warner Bros. recording artists “Gemini Syndrome” whose set-list was crafted around their new album “LUX” Being considered an Alternative band, they fit a mold to which opening acts have a tough time adapting to primarily due to fans ONLY showing up for the headliner or bands they support. Gemini Syndrome DOMINATED their seven song set-list EASILY and got the attention of fans and a whole new audience to which they can generate positive feedback and broaden a fan base that continues to boom. Gemini Syndrome played “Resurrection”, “Basement”, “Pleasure and Pain”, “Left of me”, “Syndrome”, “Stardust” and “Falling Apart” all of which were received very well by the audience. I personally felt this bill was made for them. As alternative rockers they truly stood out as openers and paved the way for the rest of the set. Sometimes, the opening acts do not stand out so much as they are overshadowed by the headliners or other “popular” acts on the bill. Gemini Syndrome removed that stipulation that curses acts in the opening slots and showed Manhattan that they mean business. Very good work from these gentlemen and they made damn sure their first show in N.Y.C was a memorable one. One of my favorite moments was when Brian, the drummer, came out with his iPhone and got panoramic photos of the audience. All the band members gave away their guitar picks and the drummer also shook audience members hands after the set and gave new fans hand-stamps with the band logo. Classy indeed.

Me with Aaron, the lead singer of Warner Bros. Records recording artists "Gemini Syndrome"
Me with Aaron, the lead singer of Warner Bros. Records recording artists “Gemini Syndrome”
Photo op #2
Me with Brian, the drummer for Warner Bros. Records recording artists “Gemini Syndrome”

Next up were Rise Records own “Miss May I” this show was too close to the last time they came here (back in June with Roadrunner Records own Killswitch Engage) but the broad diversity of audience members were NOT complaining. Miss May I gave me some of the BEST shots of the night. The lighting and sound was spot on as Levi Benton worked his magic across the stage. There was no set-list from them unfortunately but my sources have sent me the set-list as follows: “Day By Day”, “Ballad”, “Forgive”, “Relentless”, “Masses”, “Our Kings” and “Hey Mister” You can check the photos down in the bottom. Rise Records is capitalizing hugely on the success of Miss May I and their tour campaign this year. The positivity that comes out of Levi Benton is superb. Even during the Five Finger set, he was out and about taking photos and thanking fans for coming out as he enjoyed his Cream of Broccoli Campbell’s soup.

Eleven Seven Music block began first with third band on the listing for the night “Escape The Fate” These guys were killer. I never seen them before live or heard their music but I got a very good vibe from them. Before the show I managed to talk with lead singer Craig Mabbitt and I felt a very positive vibe from him as a person. I knew he would give me the photos we both deserved and truth be told it worked. I didn’t receive a set-list till the end of their set but they played “Ungrateful”, “Issues”, “You’re Insane”, “Gorgeous Nightmare”, “1 for the $”, “Until We Die” and “This war is Ours” The showmanship from these guys was phenomenal and so was the lighting. Nice transitions of fluorescent lights with sky blues and whites. Nothing too loud or too harsh. Spot on. All the bands had sensational lighting. One thing I truly cannot stand are band members who do not crowd interact OR make the event interesting to watch. I had no complaints here.

or so I thought…

Eleven Seven Records and Las Vegas natives “Five Finger Death Punch” and I have met second time as I witnessed and shot their set (First time seeing and shooting them at Mayhem Festival in Hartford, CT) I assumed this would be no different. Boy was I wrong. Their massive fifteen song set list and drum solo spanned their discography and included an acoustic play through of “Remember Everything” which was spot on fantastic. Lead Singer Ivan Moody reveled in the madness of the fans as he came down singing into the photo pit area to the front row during “Coming Down” to which he shook hands and gave hugs. I guess he did that because he knew he sang the 2nd verse of the song in the first verse. He completely switched up the verses, which was hysterical to me even though I wanted to sing the song in the ACCURATE way it is told on CD. There was even one instance where a female front row fan came out the crowd and started dancing on stage to add to the insanity of the moshers and crowd-surfers. The setlist was followed with many hits such as “Bad Company” Debut single off their current “The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell Vol.1” album “Lift Me Up” (No Rob Halford, sorry everyone), “Remember Everything”, “Under & Over it”, and the cover of LL Cool J’s “Mama Said Knock You Out” At the end of the show, Chris Kael, Zoltan Bathory and Jason Hook tossed guitar picks into the crowd as Ivan spoke of praise and happiness to the warm welcome and positivity of the show. Ivan also came down to the spectators and shook hands with everyone. One instance where he gave his shirt to a fan at the end of the stage. Class acts all around and throughout the night each band gave their all to the people who love and respect them as people and artists. There was a mood which could not be swayed that night. I don’t think it will be swayed this remainder of the year.

Check out the photos below and also on flickr.com/sinestrastudios87. Thank you for reading \m/.

Gemini Syndrome

photocrati gallery

Miss May I

photocrati gallery

Escape The Fate

photocrati gallery

Five Finger Death Punch

photocrati gallery

Derek Soto

The court Jester and The Renaissance Man rolled up into ONE. My life has been about music, and the pursuit of experiencing culture by learning the multi-faceted lives of roles throughout Music and Entertainment. Spanning 10 years as a Photographer, Interviewer, and Videographer, the best education you can ever find is the one you make of your own accord. My life is all here, I hope you enjoy the rollercoaster.